学习证明(POL)建议模型所有者使用机器学习培训检查站,以建立已经花费了必要的培训计算的证明。 POL FIREGO加密方法和贸易严格的安全性的作者通过适用于随机梯度下降和适应性变体,可扩展到深度学习。缺乏正式分析使攻击者可能能够为他们没有训练的模型提供证据。我们对为什么不能正式(DIS)正式分析POL协议可抵抗欺骗对手。为此,我们在POL中解开了证明验证的两个角色:(a)有效确定证明是否是有效的梯度下降轨迹,以及(b)确定优先级,使在培训完成后制作证明(即。 ,欺骗)。我们表明,有效的验证会导致接受合法证明和拒绝无效的证据之间的权衡,因为深度学习必然涉及噪音。没有针对这种噪声如何影响训练的精确分析模型,我们无法正式保证POL验证算法是否强大。然后,我们证明,建立优先级也可以鲁棒化地减少到学习理论中的一个开放问题:欺骗Pol Pol hoc hoc训练类似于在非凸X学习中找到具有相同终点的不同轨迹。但是,我们不严格地知道对最终模型权重的先验知识是否有助于发现此类轨迹。我们得出的结论是,在解决上述开放问题之前,可能需要更严重地依靠密码学来制定新的POL协议,并提供正式的鲁棒性保证。特别是,这将有助于建立优先级。作为我们分析的见解的副产品,我们还展示了对POL的两次新攻击。
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联合学习(FL),数据保留在联合客户端,并且仅与中央聚合器共享梯度更新是私人的。最近的工作表明,具有梯度级别访问权限的对手可以成功进行推理和重建攻击。在这种情况下,众所周知,差异化(DP)学习可以提供弹性。但是,现状中使用的方法(\ ie中央和本地DP)引入了不同的公用事业与隐私权衡权衡。在这项工作中,我们迈出了通过{\ em层次fl(HFL)}来缓解此类权衡的第一步。我们证明,通过引入一个新的中介层,可以添加校准的DP噪声,可以获得更好的隐私与公用事业权衡;我们称此{\ em层次结构DP(HDP)}。我们使用3个不同数据集的实验(通常用作FL的基准)表明HDP产生的模型与使用中央DP获得的模型一样准确,在中央聚集器处添加了噪声。这种方法还为推理对手提供了可比的好处,例如在本地DP案例中,在联合客户端添加了噪音。
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由于社会机器人在日常环境中越来越普遍,因此他们将参加对话并适当地管理与他们共享的信息。然而,关于机器人如何适当地辨别信息的敏感性,这几乎都知道,这对人机信任具有重大影响。作为解决此问题的一部分的第一步,我们设计了隐私控制员,知己,用于对话社会机器人,能够使用与对话中的对话中的上下文元数据(例如,情绪,关系,主题)进行模型隐私边界。之后,我们进行了两项众群用户研究。第一项研究(n = 174)重点是,是否被认为是私人/敏感或非私人/非敏感性的各种人类互动情景。我们第一次研究的调查结果用于生成关联规则。我们的第二个研究(n = 95)通过比较使用我们的隐私控制器对基线机器人的机器人来评估人机交互情景中隐私控制器的有效性和准确性,这些机器人对基线机器人没有隐私控制。我们的结果表明,没有隐私控制器的机器人在没有隐私控制器的隐私权,可信度和社会意识中占有于机器人。我们得出结论,隐私控制器在真实的人机对话中的整合可以允许更可靠的机器人。此初始隐私控制员将作为更复杂的解决方案作为基础。
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In optimization-based approaches to inverse problems and to statistical estimation, it is common to augment the objective with a regularizer to address challenges associated with ill-posedness. The choice of a suitable regularizer is typically driven by prior domain information and computational considerations. Convex regularizers are attractive as they are endowed with certificates of optimality as well as the toolkit of convex analysis, but exhibit a computational scaling that makes them ill-suited beyond moderate-sized problem instances. On the other hand, nonconvex regularizers can often be deployed at scale, but do not enjoy the certification properties associated with convex regularizers. In this paper, we seek a systematic understanding of the power and the limitations of convex regularization by investigating the following questions: Given a distribution, what are the optimal regularizers, both convex and nonconvex, for data drawn from the distribution? What properties of a data source govern whether it is amenable to convex regularization? We address these questions for the class of continuous and positively homogenous regularizers for which convex and nonconvex regularizers correspond, respectively, to convex bodies and star bodies. By leveraging dual Brunn-Minkowski theory, we show that a radial function derived from a data distribution is the key quantity for identifying optimal regularizers and for assessing the amenability of a data source to convex regularization. Using tools such as $\Gamma$-convergence, we show that our results are robust in the sense that the optimal regularizers for a sample drawn from a distribution converge to their population counterparts as the sample size grows large. Finally, we give generalization guarantees that recover previous results for polyhedral regularizers (i.e., dictionary learning) and lead to new ones for semidefinite regularizers.
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Automatically estimating 3D skeleton, shape, camera viewpoints, and part articulation from sparse in-the-wild image ensembles is a severely under-constrained and challenging problem. Most prior methods rely on large-scale image datasets, dense temporal correspondence, or human annotations like camera pose, 2D keypoints, and shape templates. We propose Hi-LASSIE, which performs 3D articulated reconstruction from only 20-30 online images in the wild without any user-defined shape or skeleton templates. We follow the recent work of LASSIE that tackles a similar problem setting and make two significant advances. First, instead of relying on a manually annotated 3D skeleton, we automatically estimate a class-specific skeleton from the selected reference image. Second, we improve the shape reconstructions with novel instance-specific optimization strategies that allow reconstructions to faithful fit on each instance while preserving the class-specific priors learned across all images. Experiments on in-the-wild image ensembles show that Hi-LASSIE obtains higher quality state-of-the-art 3D reconstructions despite requiring minimum user input.
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Code generation models have achieved impressive performance. However, they tend to be brittle as slight edits to a prompt could lead to very different generations; these robustness properties, critical for user experience when deployed in real-life applications, are not well understood. Most existing works on robustness in text or code tasks have focused on classification, while robustness in generation tasks is an uncharted area and to date there is no comprehensive benchmark for robustness in code generation. In this paper, we propose ReCode, a comprehensive robustness evaluation benchmark for code generation models. We customize over 30 transformations specifically for code on docstrings, function and variable names, code syntax, and code format. They are carefully designed to be natural in real-life coding practice, preserve the original semantic meaning, and thus provide multifaceted assessments of a model's robustness performance. With human annotators, we verified that over 90% of the perturbed prompts do not alter the semantic meaning of the original prompt. In addition, we define robustness metrics for code generation models considering the worst-case behavior under each type of perturbation, taking advantage of the fact that executing the generated code can serve as objective evaluation. We demonstrate ReCode on SOTA models using HumanEval, MBPP, as well as function completion tasks derived from them. Interesting observations include: better robustness for CodeGen over InCoder and GPT-J; models are most sensitive to syntax perturbations; more challenging robustness evaluation on MBPP over HumanEval.
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Creativity is an indispensable part of human cognition and also an inherent part of how we make sense of the world. Metaphorical abstraction is fundamental in communicating creative ideas through nuanced relationships between abstract concepts such as feelings. While computer vision benchmarks and approaches predominantly focus on understanding and generating literal interpretations of images, metaphorical comprehension of images remains relatively unexplored. Towards this goal, we introduce MetaCLUE, a set of vision tasks on visual metaphor. We also collect high-quality and rich metaphor annotations (abstract objects, concepts, relationships along with their corresponding object boxes) as there do not exist any datasets that facilitate the evaluation of these tasks. We perform a comprehensive analysis of state-of-the-art models in vision and language based on our annotations, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of current approaches in visual metaphor Classification, Localization, Understanding (retrieval, question answering, captioning) and gEneration (text-to-image synthesis) tasks. We hope this work provides a concrete step towards developing AI systems with human-like creative capabilities.
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Large-scale diffusion models have achieved state-of-the-art results on text-to-image synthesis (T2I) tasks. Despite their ability to generate high-quality yet creative images, we observe that attribution-binding and compositional capabilities are still considered major challenging issues, especially when involving multiple objects. In this work, we improve the compositional skills of T2I models, specifically more accurate attribute binding and better image compositions. To do this, we incorporate linguistic structures with the diffusion guidance process based on the controllable properties of manipulating cross-attention layers in diffusion-based T2I models. We observe that keys and values in cross-attention layers have strong semantic meanings associated with object layouts and content. Therefore, we can better preserve the compositional semantics in the generated image by manipulating the cross-attention representations based on linguistic insights. Built upon Stable Diffusion, a SOTA T2I model, our structured cross-attention design is efficient that requires no additional training samples. We achieve better compositional skills in qualitative and quantitative results, leading to a 5-8% advantage in head-to-head user comparison studies. Lastly, we conduct an in-depth analysis to reveal potential causes of incorrect image compositions and justify the properties of cross-attention layers in the generation process.
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With the increasing use of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in critical real-world applications, several post hoc explanation methods have been proposed to understand their predictions. However, there has been no work in generating explanations on the fly during model training and utilizing them to improve the expressive power of the underlying GNN models. In this work, we introduce a novel explanation-directed neural message passing framework for GNNs, EXPASS (EXplainable message PASSing), which aggregates only embeddings from nodes and edges identified as important by a GNN explanation method. EXPASS can be used with any existing GNN architecture and subgraph-optimizing explainer to learn accurate graph embeddings. We theoretically show that EXPASS alleviates the oversmoothing problem in GNNs by slowing the layer wise loss of Dirichlet energy and that the embedding difference between the vanilla message passing and EXPASS framework can be upper bounded by the difference of their respective model weights. Our empirical results show that graph embeddings learned using EXPASS improve the predictive performance and alleviate the oversmoothing problems of GNNs, opening up new frontiers in graph machine learning to develop explanation-based training frameworks.
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Deep learning approaches for spatio-temporal prediction problems such as crowd-flow prediction assumes data to be of fixed and regular shaped tensor and face challenges of handling irregular, sparse data tensor. This poses limitations in use-case scenarios such as predicting visit counts of individuals' for a given spatial area at a particular temporal resolution using raster/image format representation of the geographical region, since the movement patterns of an individual can be largely restricted and localized to a certain part of the raster. Additionally, current deep-learning approaches for solving such problem doesn't account for the geographical awareness of a region while modelling the spatio-temporal movement patterns of an individual. To address these limitations, there is a need to develop a novel strategy and modeling approach that can handle both sparse, irregular data while incorporating geo-awareness in the model. In this paper, we make use of quadtree as the data structure for representing the image and introduce a novel geo-aware enabled deep learning layer, GA-ConvLSTM that performs the convolution operation based on a novel geo-aware module based on quadtree data structure for incorporating spatial dependencies while maintaining the recurrent mechanism for accounting for temporal dependencies. We present this approach in the context of the problem of predicting spatial behaviors of an individual (e.g., frequent visits to specific locations) through deep-learning based predictive model, GADST-Predict. Experimental results on two GPS based trace data shows that the proposed method is effective in handling frequency visits over different use-cases with considerable high accuracy.
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